Wednesday, February 10, 2010


so i woke up today to a snow covered town street. it was nice but then realized that i had a snow covered street, car, porch, etc. so i was pretty much stuck home for the day. i let rollins outside to run around and pee in the snow and cleaned my room. thats about it, i want a burrito

Hello, Fuck Off

im guessing this is the part of the blog where i introduce myself and shit so here it goes.....

my name is chris also known as Xlil chrisX but if you are followig this blog you most likely know this. i live in NJ, i ride a bike (not one of those fixed gear faggot machines), and i enjoy music and cowboy shirts.

i just realized that im bored of typing all this shit out. if you need to know more ask, dont be a fruit



so i decided to make a blog or something. this is most likely where i share the events of my days and other episodes of my life. blah